Power Friday – Wk 5

Power Friday – Wk 5

In preparation for my first powerlifting meet, I give you Power Friday!

Yet another crazy week – Taxes, a cold, major headache, etc. It’s life. What’re ya gonna do? Right?

Squats – These are getting harder. My training weight is up to 225 lbs. With the increased weight, I’m really having to pay attention to my form. Our weight bench has a built in squat rack. I’m starting to get concerned about how much weight it can handle.

Benchpress – Training weight is up to 175 lbs. I’m feeling pretty good here, but I’m noticing that my wrists are not happy during the lift. I don’t want to do it, but I may have to start wearing wrist wraps. I expected this for competition, but want to avoid it if possible for training.

Deadlift – This lift is up to 225 lbs., like the squat. After a few warm-up sets, the one and only training set feels really good. I’m very happy with the progress of this lift.

All in all, another great week.

I’m still not decided on the competition that I want to go to. The front runner is still the Longhorn Championships on 6/5. I’ll announce which one by the end of this month.

Have a great week, and lift with the legs!

Power Friday

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2 Responses to “Power Friday – Wk 5”

  • mike says:

    Numbers are looking better …good luck on the meet

  • Todd says:

    @Mike I agree. I started off really light, but felt that I needed to work my way up to build quality strength. Plus, since I train at home, I don’t have a spotter. Starting light was a necessity.

    Thanks for the well wishes for the meet. I really appreciate it.

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